Our Choices Suck.
The Duopoly Is the Problem
America's 2-party system is fundamentally broken. The structure of our system is a huge barrier to change -- because of "First Past The Post (FPTP)" voting, i.e. plurality voting in a single round, outsider parties cannot win and often do more harm than good by being spoilers.
Americans are trapped voting for the Lesser-of-Two-Evils (L2E), and increasingly, voters hate both parties.
Join with us as we seek to reform US politics by
launching a platform for the grassroots to organize new microparties, that can group together in coalitions and form macroparties, allowing voters to build consensus and organize movements behind the things that matter most to them
organizing those users to advocate for Ranked Choice Voting (RCV), which is how we will get out of this mess.
We're building something to change the game called WeAgree. Please reach out below if you'd like to get involved.